Author Archives: Jill Pullen

Not All Composting is the Same

Industrial composting is completely different from home composting. Each works in very different ways to break down compostable material. Home or community outdoor composting is acceptable for ‘green’ and ‘brown’ matter such as grass clippings, twigs and kitchen scraps that are not animal-related. Occasionally turning these clippings and scraps over with a pitchfork or shovel […]

Repurposing your Holiday ‘Horn of Plenty’

This is the time of year when the holiday home and table are festooned with pumpkins, squash and the abundance of fall harvest time. Pumpkins, as well as a variety of squashes, are especially perfect foods: wholly useful, and completely compostable. After the holidays, instead of being put into the trash, they can continue to […]

NYC Hosts the First Comprehensive Composting Plan in the US

New York City has gotten serious about sustainability with a city-wide, user-friendly composting program that includes weekly residential curbside collection of compostables alongside regular trash and recycling pickup.  Curbside  Beginning in October, 2022, sanitation workers will pick up compost bins of yard trimmings, food scraps, food that has spoiled, and food-soiled paper products direct from […]