Thanksgiving Desserts Transformed

Give your leftover Thanksgiving desserts a surprising second round. 

Cranberries, cranberry sauce and toasted pecans can combine to make delicious hot buttered breakfast scones, muffins, loafs or snack bars. Dab some cranberry sauce on sandwiches or as a yogurt topping. Use cranberries or cranberry sauce plus orange juice and spices to make a ham glaze, or combine it with zestier ingredients to make a mean BBQ sauce. 

Get out the blender and a slice of pumpkin pie – the whole thing – to make yourself a seasonal milkshake or latte. Add the filling alone to chocolate chip cookies or brownie baking. Tired of dessert? Use it to make a special hot oatmeal breakfast, pumpkin ravioli or hummus. If you have pumpkin puree left, try making some pumpkin chili.